
Dedicated Server (3)

Dedicated Server FAQs

Domain Registrations (6)

Domains and Related Issues

General Support (58)

General Support Questions

Sales / Billing (30)

Sales / Billing Questions

Shared Hosting (5)

Shared Hosting FAQs

VPS Support (12)

Common VPS Problems, and Solutions


 Privacy Protection / ID Protection

For most domain TLDs you can indeed also register for privacy protection -- for an additional...

 Phishing - Protect your Identity and Finances

Phishing is the name given to an increasingly common type of spam (unsolicited emails) designed...

  Why don't I just go with the cheapest hosting?

A host has to make a profit to continue operating. Some hosts do not properly understand the...

 Setup Time?

What is the setup time on your services? Shared (single domain) and Reseller (multi-domain)...

 What database do you offer?

We use MySQL. We have found that our members prefer MySQL because it is a relatively easy-to-use...

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