Do I have to have your banner on my site?

Rest assured that all sites that we host are BANNER-FREE. It's your site (you're paying us to host it) - we wouldn't dream of forcing you to promote our services! We prefer to earn that privilege and compensate you for it!

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Σχετικά Άρθρα

Setup Time?

What is the setup time on your services? Shared (single domain) and Reseller (multi-domain)...

Is it a problem if I'm not in the US or in Europe?

Not at all! In fact, we already have customers in countries all over the world. If you don't have...

How do I signup?

On any page of our site click the "Order Now" link. Follow the on screen instructions and fill...

How long after I sign up can I start building my site?

If your account is automatically approved, your machine user will be created and ready for...

Can I run a phpbb forum (message board) on my site?

Absolutely! In fact, you can use the "Softaculous" script installer (accessible from your hosting...